Museums in a time of plague. The case of military museums in Poland
military museums , museum management, COVID-19 pandemic, coronavirus, PolandAbstract
Military museums in Poland, like the entire museum world, were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Forced to close, these establishments were confronted with a new reality, challenging the previous rules of contact with visitors. The article presents an assessment of the consequences of the pandemic, the countermeasures taken, and the forms of assistance offered to the museum sector in Poland. The special focus was put on the financial and visitor impacts on Polish military museums as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The material subjected to analysis was obtained by means of a survey addressed to military museums in Poland. The results confirmed the deep crisis in which museums, especially small or privately owned ones, find themselves, revealing at the same time the lack and need for a clear vision of how museums should operate in the face of the global sanitary and environmental threats of the 21st century.
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