Gimnazjum Kresowe w Bydgoszczy


  • Gizela Chmielewska


Słowa kluczowe:

Kresy Wschodnie, Gimnazjum Kresowe, Bydgoszcz


The Boys’ Grammar School for Refugees from the Eastern Borderland was established in Bydgoszcz in September 1920. Boys from evacuated posts were referred here, among others from Navahrudak, Nesvizh, Lithuanian Minsk, Sluck, Rivne and many other towns. Girls went to Chełmno. Teachers of these posts also originated from Eastern Borderland schools. Over 300 students started their education at the Eastern Borderland Grammar School in Bydgoszcz. They needed both education and a roof over their heads. That’s why the Eastem Borderland Dormitory was established for them. Education at school was paid. Unfortunately, the majority of the boys, mainly orphans, couldn’t afford to pay the registration fee. Students submitted applications to exempt them from this duty. Money for the education of the students of the Eastern Borderland Grammar School was transferred by landowners from Wielkopolska and by former residents of the Eastern Borderland living in Bydgoszcz, including physicians, lawyers, and engineers. The Eastern Borderland Grammar School was functioning only one year - until the end of June 1921. The collections of the State Archive Branch in Bydgoszcz features preserved documents, e.g. school and other reports, grade sheets, etc.






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