Spór polsko-niemiecki o Górny Śląsk w latach 1919-1921 w świadomości mieszkańców Bydgoszczy na łamach lokalnej prasy


  • Krzysztof Błażejewski



Słowa kluczowe:

plebiscyt na Górnym Śląsku, powstania śląskie, bydgoszczanie


The topic of this work is perception of the efforts of Upper Silesian residents concerning incorporation of their region to the reborn state of Poland in 1919-1921 by the Bydgoszcz community and its reaction to all related events. The people of Bydgoszcz were very interested in the plebiscite under the auspices of the League of Nations in the disputed territory of Silesia and the Silesian Uprisings. During the First Silesian Uprising in 1919, when Bydgoszcz was still under the German administration, their opinions were cautious and reserved. It changed only after the entry of the Polish army to the city on January 20, 1920. Since that time, the local assistance committee located on 6a Dworcowa Street organized support rallies, fundraising campaigns and collections for Silesians. Bydgoszcz residents were very generous; they donated 28 railcars filled with food, which were dispatched to Silesia. It’s not known whether residents of Bydgoszcz participated directly in military actions in Silesia, since such matters were not discusses in public, making sure that the international commission supervising the plebiscite maintained strict neutrality.






Studia i szkice

Jak cytować

Spór polsko-niemiecki o Górny Śląsk w latach 1919-1921 w świadomości mieszkańców Bydgoszczy na łamach lokalnej prasy. (2017). Kronika Bydgoska, 38, 127-146. https://doi.org/10.34767/KB.2017.38.06