Związek Polaków z Kresów Wschodnich w Bydgoszczy 1920-1939


  • Gizela Chmielewska


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Związek Polaków z Kresów Wschodnich, Bydgoszcz, 1920-1939


The Association of Poles from the Eastern Borderlands in Bydgoszcz was established on March 5, 1921. The idea of its foundation was put forward by exiles from the eastern lands of the former Republic of Poland, who came to Bydgoszcz due to the tragedy that took place in the Eastern Borderlands. Among them there were many people who had been previously actively involved in social activities in their native land. They helped the poor and needy, children and youth, opened schools and hospitals. There were many people who needed help in the community of Poles from the Eastern Borderlands in Bydgoszcz. A lot of them lost all their possessions due to the war and revolution. Their very difficult situation became a starting point for the foundation of the Association. The first chairman of the Bydgoszcz Association was Fr. Mateusz Zabłocki. In 1922, he was replaced by Adam Bujnicki. Since 1923, this function, until his death in 1928, was performed by Edward Woyniłłowicz. After his death, the post was taken over by Karol Weber. Initially, the seat of the Association was located in a tenement house in 5 Piastowski Square, followed by 5 Pomorska Street, and since May 1923 - on 9 Cieszkowskiego Street. For its activity, the Association was acquiring funds through organization of numerous campaigns, including collections, lotteries, balls, etc. It was running an eatery, called “Gospoda Kresowa”, where the poorest people cared for by the Association received free lunches. Over the years, the institution was opened to all residents of Bydgoszcz. A great support for the Association of Poles from the Eastern Borderlands in Bydgoszcz was help offered by landowners from the regions of Wielkopolska and Pomerania, including the Bniński, Chłapowski, Komierowski, Jezierski and Morstin families. They regularly donated food for the needs of the kitchen of the Association, invited children and youth for vacations to their manors. The Association consisted of several sections, including the group caring for children. The Association funded scholarships to students of the Agricultural University, supported activity of the “Kresowy” Dormitory, purchased medicines, helped with finding job, etc.

The organization was the most active in the 1920s, followed by its gradual slowdown. The proposal for uniting all associations with similar profile in one national organization, submitted in Poznań in 1938, was stopped by the outbreak of the war.






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Jak cytować

Związek Polaków z Kresów Wschodnich w Bydgoszczy 1920-1939. (2017). Kronika Bydgoska, 38, 185-219.