Z dziejów bydgoskich witraży - realizacje Edwarda Kwiatkowskiego


  • Agnieszka Wysocka



Słowa kluczowe:

Edward Kwiatkowski, Bydgoszcz, witraże


Many Bydgoszcz stained glass windows, situated in sacred and secular buildings, were made in the studio of Edward Kwiatkowski (1904-1971), an outstanding stained glass maker, manager of the Stained Glass Studio at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He started his artistic work in Bydgoszcz during the interwar period. He built his studio himself, where he made artwork for the interior of the Bernardine Library in the Municipal Library (1936) and for the chapel of the City Hospital (1938). During the 1930s, in cooperation with architect Jan Kossowski, he decorated interiors of elegant villas (in the districts of Sielanka and Leśne) and rooms of the Communal Savings Bank on Jagiellońska Street (1939). Despite the fact that after World War II he moved to Toruń, he carried out some interesting projects for Bydgoszcz, including a stained glass window (1947) commemorating residents of the district of Szwederowo murdered during the German occupation.






Studia i szkice

Jak cytować

Z dziejów bydgoskich witraży - realizacje Edwarda Kwiatkowskiego. (2017). Kronika Bydgoska, 38, 263-274. https://doi.org/10.34767/KB.2017.38.13