Zarys dziejów apteki „Pod Orłem” w Łabiszynie


  • Roksana Wilczyńska
  • Wojciech Ślusarczyk


Słowa kluczowe:

aptekarstwo, farmacja, historia, Łabiszyn, Pałuki


The article describes a brief history of the “Pod Orłem” Pharmacy in Łabiszyn that has been operating to this day and presents its role in the local, small-town community for over two centuries. The first pharmacy in Łabiszyn was established by German pharmacist Hering in 1778. In 1802, the pharmacy in the Market Square was founded by Benjamin Wilhelm Kuster. It was the beginning of the “Pod Orłem” Pharmacy in Łabiszyn, which has been in business to this day. Until 1991, it was the only pharmacy in town. In 1825, the pharmacy was completely consumed by fire. In 1830, its new owner named Gieser situated it in the brick building in the corner, standing in the Market Square under number 3. It has been operating in it for the next 159 years, until its next “move” in w 1989. This time, it was housed in the outpatient health center building on 17 Powstańców Wielkopolskich Street. The pharmacy has been operating in it to this day. In 1932, the pharmacy was purchased by Henryka and Piotr Pawłowski. In March 1940, German pharmacist Alfred Neppert became its court-appointed receiver and latermost likely its owner. In 1945, the Pawłowskis regained their pharmacy, but in January 1951, it was nationalized. Its previous owners stayed as employees of the pharmacy that was taken over by the state. They worked there until the late 1970s. The Pawłowskis were very active in the local social life and health promotion. In 1989 the owner of the pharmacy was the state run enterprise PZF “Cefarm.” Its privatization process started in 1997. These days it is owned by the holding group Pelion S.A.






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Jak cytować

Zarys dziejów apteki „Pod Orłem” w Łabiszynie. (2017). Kronika Bydgoska, 38, 401-420.