Vistulana w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Bydgoszczy


  • Melania Dereszyńska-Romaniuk


Słowa kluczowe:

Archiwum Państwowe, Bydgoszcz, archiwalia, Wisła


Among archival documents contained in the collections of the National Archives in Bydgoszcz our attention is focused on rather numerous archival materials regarding an extensive issue of water and waterworks-drainage systems. It regards the Brda and Noteć Rivers as well as the Bydgoszcz Canal, and to a lesser degree the Visula River. The Bydgoszcz archives and objects related to the Vistula, called Vistulana, come from various chronological periods. The oldest, dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries, are documents of the guild of skippers, steersmen and helpers in Bydgoszcz. The Vistula is mentioned in old-Polish foundation charters of the local Hollander villages, namely Łęgnowo, Otorowo and Przyłubie. Materials related to the Vistula are archives of varied origins. The majority of them are documents issued by first- and second-level general and special state administration, including the District Government in Bydgoszcz, the Office of Hydraulic Engineering in Bydgoszcz, the Pomeranian Regional Office in Toruń and archives from other Pomeranian towns. Most frequently, they concern the following matters: hydraulic engineering and bridges, regulation of river flow, maintenance of waterways, navigation and ferry service, floods and ice jams, fishing, sailing organizations and associations.






Źródła i materiały

Jak cytować

Vistulana w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Bydgoszczy. (2017). Kronika Bydgoska, 38, 439-449.