„Łańcuch II” Witolda Lutosławskiego. Instrumentacja – technika koncertująca – dramaturgia
The article shows analysis of an important work by the composer, written in the last period of his artistic work. Chain II, with its subtitle Dialogue for violin and orchestra, was written in 1986, and it is Lutosławski’s second work in a row, presenting the technique of chain interlocked formal sections, as well as the consecutive stage in development of the harmonic language. The text of the article is divided into four major issues. The first issue (paragraph), entitled “Chain II in the literature on the subject” analyses publications in which the work has already been comment on. Two titles, most extensively analysing the composition, were considered: i.e. the monograph Muzyka Lutosławskiego [the Music of Lutoslawski] by Charles Bodman Rae and the article Łańcuch 2 Witolda Lutosławskiego by Barbara Smoleńska-Zielińska. The second paragraph – “Instrumentation. Distribution and cooperation of the orchestra instruments” is a detailed look at the line-up of the orchestra and function of individual instrumental groups in creating sound narration. The methods of instrumentation, i.e. twelve-note combined chords. The analysis reveals a superordinate conclusion: sound uniqueness of the twelve-note cords depends on distribution of chord elements in registers of different instruments. The relation of the solo instrument to the orchestra and the relations among instrument groups in the orchestra are discussed in the third paragraph – “Concert giving technique”. The final conclusion is the finding double dimension of the concert giving technique in Chain II, taking place at two levels: soloist – orchestra and playing a concert by instrumental groups of the orchestra together with isolated pieces of solo episodes. The fourth issue of “Dramatics and expression” is an attempt at interpretation of the musical course of the work from the point of view of the entire expression course, which forms the superordinate system of 4 “acts” of the work: Introduction Setting up the drama – showing the conflict Deliberating – reflection of the conflict Solution and recapitulation.
Gojowy Detlef, Prawykonanie Chain II Witolda Lutosławskiego, „Ruch Muzyczny” 1986, nr 8.
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Lutosławski Witold, Kompozytor a odbiorca, „Ruch Muzyczny” 1964, nr 4.
Paja-Stach Jadwiga, Lutosławski i jego styl muzyczny, Musica Iagellonica, Kraków 1997.
Pociej Bohdan, Lutosławski a wartość muzyki, PWM, Kraków 1976.
Rae Charles Bodman, Muzyka Lutosławskiego, przeł. Stanisław Krupowicz, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1996.
Smoleńska-Zielińska Barbara, Łańcuch 2 Witolda Lutosławskiego, „Ruch Muzyczny” 1986, nr 15.
Stucky Steven, Ciągłość i zmiana: istota stylu Lutosławskiego, [w:] Zbigniew Skowron (red.), Estetyka i styl twórczości Witolda Lutosławskiego. Studia, Musica Iagellonica, Kraków 2000.