Człowiek po prostu przyzwoity - próba opisu postawy artysty
From the early years of his activity, the figure of Witold Lutosławski was considered by the music environment as an informal leader of Polish musicians and as a moral authority. In the memories of the participants of music life of PRL (People’s Republic of Poland), Lutosławski had a major influence on the attitudes and even on the course of the most important matters in our field of social activity. While the knowledge about the creativity, composing technique and influence of Lutosławski’s music on the music creativity of the second half of the 20th century becomes deeper thanks to the work of many researchers of Lutosławski’s output, the human memory as the main source of knowledge about the attitude, nature and personality of Lutosławski blots out and we have to hurry to preserve its passing testimony. This is done by the author of this article. One of the most important sources of social attitude of Lutosławski is surely a family tradition. Lutosławski for many years actively took part in the works of the Repertoire Committee of the festival “Warsaw’s Autumn”, he was involved in the works of the Polish Music Publishing house in Cracow and provided help to young composers. In his numerous statements he stated that we all live in such circumstances in which a man must not avoid the question how to act. However, he did not feel competent enough to offer people any recipes for life. his recipe for life was most of all to act decently. And this is how he acted.
Michalski Grzegorz, Lutosławski w pamięci, Towarzystwo im. Witolda Lutosławskiego oraz słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2007.
Skowron Zbigniew (red.), Witold Lutosławski. O muzyce. Pisma i wypowiedzi, Towarzystwo im. Witolda Lutosławskiego oraz słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2011.
Sztuka i powinność, Grzegorz Michalski rozmawia z Witoldem Lutosławskim, „Znak” nr 8, 16 I 1988.