Online Music education – teaching Music in the age of pandemic. A critical analysis of self-directed efforts to teach Music in grades 4-7 via distance learning in the 2020/2021 school year


  • Justyna Gadzińska Kazimierz Wielki University



This article focuses on remotely delivered music education in the 2020/2021 school year during the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication analyzes nationwide survey results to assess to what extent teachers were prepared to implement teaching tasks with the use of distance learning methods and techniques. It also indicates what competencies teacher should have and what it means in educational practice for the teacher to use a language understandable to modern students. The author of the text critically analyses her own actions taken of teaching Music online and basing on both her own experience and analysed research results tries to find an answer to the question what positive and negative changes have taken place in music education due to the necessity of modifying the structure of the teaching-learning process in the school year 2020/2021.


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How to Cite

Online Music education – teaching Music in the age of pandemic. A critical analysis of self-directed efforts to teach Music in grades 4-7 via distance learning in the 2020/2021 school year. (2021). Muzyka. Historia. Teoria. Edukacja, 11, 69-85.