Odnalezione wzory graficzne późnorenesansowych polichromii w tzw. Piwnicy pod Fortuną w kamienicy Lubomelskich w Lublinie
https://doi.org/10.34767/TH.2018.03.04Słowa kluczowe:
Lublin, Piwnica pod Fortuną, malarstwo ścienne, Johan Theodor i Johan Israel de Bry, Heinrich Ulrich, Emblemata SaeculariaAbstrakt
The cellar “Under the Fortuna” is located at 8 Rynek Street, right in the center of the Old Town district of Lublin. Its interior partly preserves secular late -Renaissance wall paintings. Even though it has been known for decades it has never received a thorough examination by scholars. The most extensive study concerning the paintings so far was published in 1957 by Józef Edward Dutkiewicz (Malowidła z XVI w. w tzw. winiarni w Lublinie / The 16th C. Murals in the So-Called Winery in Lublin).
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Odnalezione wzory graficzne późnorenesansowych polichromii w tzw. Piwnicy pod Fortuną w kamienicy Lubomelskich w Lublinie. (2018). Tabularium Historiae, 3, 77-112. https://doi.org/10.34767/TH.2018.03.04