Postfoucaultowskie ujęcia gouvernementalité: perspektywa badawcza i strategie analityczne w badaniach społecznych


  • Helena Ostrowicka Kazimierz Wielki University



gouvernementalité, post-Foucauldian methodology, analytical strategies, ethnography, dispositif


What is considered in the article are the post-Foucauldian studies of the gouvernementalité and their methodologies as viewed in two aspects: the research perspective and analytical strategies. Consequently, the article consists of two main parts. In the first part, the gouvernementalité is discussed as a characteristic research perspective, which assumes a close relation between power transformation and knowledge development. Thus, the general aim of the studies in that perspective is pursuing the relations between the formations of knowledge, power, and subject. In the second part of the article, two analytical strategies, used in the empirical research of the gouvernementalité are indicated: the ethnographical one and the dispositive one. The researchers’ preferences for the categories of the analysis of the gouvernementalité practices are adopted as the basis for the distinction between the two. At the end of the article, the author puts forward her own proposal for a theoretical / analytical research model in the dispositif strategy.


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How to Cite

Postfoucaultowskie ujęcia gouvernementalité: perspektywa badawcza i strategie analityczne w badaniach społecznych. (2019). Filozofia Edukacji, 1(1), 75-96.