Proposal of a new hydromporphometric division of Koronowski reservoir


  • Dawid Szatten Kazimierz Wielki University


bathymetric measurements, morphometric indicators, artificial reservoir, Koronowski Reservoir, silting


The Koronowski Reservoir is one of the largest reservoirs located on the Polish lowland rivers. The research was conducted in order to develop its current bathymetric plan. The study was performed using modern techniques and instruments. Soundings were carried out using a hydrographic echosounder with GPS positioning. Bathymetric map, being the final result, was created in GIS software. It was found that the Koronowski Reservoir is characterized by a con-siderably diverse morphometry, featuring numerous impounded lakes with many bays, islands and flooded river valleys. Selected morphometric indicators were calculated, enabling the detailing of hydro-morphological characteristics of the analyzed reservoir. The limnic and fluvial parts were defined. Analysis of the current capacity of the Koronowski Reservoir against historical data allowed for determining the rate of siltation.




How to Cite

Proposal of a new hydromporphometric division of Koronowski reservoir. (2016). Geography and Tourism, 1(4), 79-84.