Эволюция долины верхней Камы: первые результаты комплексных исследований и проблемы их интерпретации
Słowa kluczowe:
floodplain, floodplain generation, absolute chronology, radiocarbon dating, morphometric parametersAbstrakt
Researches of floodplain relief were surveyed on the upper Kama from the Bondyug village to the Vishera mouth. There was a mapping of channels represented different-age generations. These researches were based on geomorphological, palaeochannel and geochronological methods. The complexity of the solution is high geosystem differentiation of floodplain terraces. Absolute and relative elevations, Kama low water levels and other parameters can be used as morphometric characteristics of floodplain relief. These characteristics reflect geomorphologic differences and singularity of different-age floodplain generations.