Portret Jana i Juliana Dobrzańskich pędzla Leona Wyczółkowskiego - historia, badania, konserwacja


  • Dariusz Markowski


In the artistic activity of Leon Wyczółkowski one can distinguish several periods with individual thematic frames and way of treatment of colour and construction of painting area. The paintings from the early period created under the influence of paintings by both Jan Matejko and Wojciech Gerson include the ‘Portrait of Jan and Julian Dobrzański’ from the collections of the Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum in Bydgoszcz. This painting is one of few children’s portraits painted by Leon Wyczółkowski and it depicts the brothers Jan and Julian, sons of Stanisław Dobrzański (1847-1880). In 2003, the painting landed in the Nicolaus Copemicus University Department of Painting and Polychromed Sculpture in Toruń in order to carry out conservation works. The works were done by Łucja Brzozowska within her thesis under the guidance of professor Dariusz Markowski and Joanna Arszyńska. Besides complete conservation and restoration, the painting’s condition was assessed in detail, and its techniąue and technology were examined. The conservation works aimed at restoration of the painting’s fuli exhibition value and stopping its destruction processes. It was necessary to remove secondary relining and a thick layer of wax-resin medium, as well as old putty and optically changed secondary refilling of painting layer losses. The original format of the painting was restored through sticking canvas ribbons on. In 2006, the painting returned to the museum and it is presented at the ‘Leon Wyczółkowski House’, a branch of the Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum.







Jak cytować

Portret Jana i Juliana Dobrzańskich pędzla Leona Wyczółkowskiego - historia, badania, konserwacja. (2012). Kronika Bydgoska, 33, 219-233. https://czasopisma.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/kronika-bydgoska/article/view/1662