Polish choral music as a painting of social and artistic changes in the context of European culture
My thesis about the European choral music is constructed on several leading ways of thinking: the rule of coincidentio oppositorum, the historical evolution of this music connected with the waves of the classical and romantic style, the relations with other arts and the sketch of Polish choral music mainly in the XXth century. I am keen on seeing this problem as a result of social changes in the European life – this kind of music is intensively attached to ideology, religion and politics. Generally speaking, choral music is treated as a special sort of musical art, we can have just an idea of remains of ancient customs (of knights, soldiers, pilgrims) and at last this music was a mean of religious celebrations. thus it was of the occasional character when this music was used the most. this way of of orientations has begun during the epoch of Enlightenment, after the French Revolution.
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