Andrzej Nikodemowicz’ Piano Concerto no. 4 - a sophisticated world of sounds
The piano concertos by the Polish composer Andrzej Nikodemowicz (1925-2017) belong to the late and mature period of his creativity. The Piano Concerto no. 4 was composed in 2003. One of the most important features of the concerto is the integrity of the form by the frequent occurrence of the theme. The composition has a two-part construction, wherein the second part is essential. The sound vision presented in the piece is the essence of the late style of this composer. Projection of musical time belongs to the most fundamental elements in this composition. In addition to musical time projection in an phenomenological interpretation of the works, one of the most important factors, shaping the aesthetics of sound are: projection of individual elements of a musical work in the context of music time, the colour sound selection within a uniform timbre, the relationships occurring in the work of textural and sonic differentiations.
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Husserl Edmund, Wykłady z fenomenologii wewnętrznej świadomości czasu, przekł. Janusz Sidorek, PWN, Warszawa 1989.
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Krokos Jan, Fenomenologia Edmunda Husserla, Aleksandra Pfändera, Maxa Schelera, Agencja Wydawnicza Katolików, Warszawa 1992.
Nikodemowicz Andrzej, Moje lwowskie lata, „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin – Polonia” 2004, vol. II sectio L.
Örmeny Jozsef, Podarował światu piękno i miłość, [w:] teresa Księska-Falger (red.), Czas i dźwięk. Spotkania z Andrzejem Nikodemowiczem, Gaudium, Lublin 2018.
Programy festiwalu „Andrzej Nikodemowicz – czas i dźwięk” 2012-2017.
Tomaszewski Mieczysław, Muzyka w dialogu ze słowem, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, Kraków 2003.