Between music and literature Franz Liszt’s piano paraphrase of a romantic song - towards an interdisciplinary analysis


  • Kamil J. Węgorek Toruń



The present article is concerned with the connection of literature with music (music with literature), that is the relationship between  two distinct media. It aims at investigating the said relationship on the basis of Franz Liszt’s piano treatments of Schubert’s songs.
two pieces were selected for an in-depth analysis: The King of Alders (one of Schubert’s early works) and The Linden Tree, which represents the mature period of the author of more than six hundred songs. Exploring the connection between lyric poetry and music first in a song and then in a paraphrase is not an easy task, for it requires a particular approach to examination, in which none of the arts must be wronged. therefore, this work is an attempt to perform an interdisciplinary analysis and interpretation which engages three forms of artistic expression: poetry, Schubert’s song and, finally, the treatment of this song. This work constitutes an attempt to perform an interdisciplinary analysis. A rather broad analysis, for we start with the text and uncover all of its possible contexts; we also turn our attention to the architectural side. Without poetry – let us be honest – neither the song nor the following paraphrase would exist. Then we turn to the song, examining the intertextual strategies employed by the composer, and which of the text’s characteristics he expressed in his music and which he did not. At the end, we focus on Liszt’s paraphrase itself. We consider the intermedial efforts the composer makes (taking into account the accompaniment and vocalisation), and the contents he introduces regardless of the song which is the point of departure. Liszt’s treatments, according to us, refer not only to the paraphrased piece, but predominantly constitute an interpretation of the poem itself. Therefore, it is fair to say that Liszt returns to poetry, searching it for new senses. The present work constitutes an attempt to demonstrate this return.


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How to Cite

Between music and literature Franz Liszt’s piano paraphrase of a romantic song - towards an interdisciplinary analysis. (2018). Muzyka. Historia. Teoria. Edukacja, 8, 116-141.