Irena Bohuss-Heller: the forgotten Lviv opera singer
Irena Bohuss-Heller was one of the most popular artists of the Lviv opera scene at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. She gained popularity not only as a famous opera singer, but also as the wife of the director of Municipial theatre, Ludwik Heller. On the Lviv opera scene she appeared as Ulana in Manru, as tatiana in Eugeniusz Oniegin, as violetta in Traviatta. She also appeared on the stages of Europe, such as teatro Lirico in Milano and London’s Covent Garden. During the First World War she lived in vienna and was gaving singing lessons. When she returned to the Poland (after war), she played only dramatic roles in the Warsaw theatres. At the end of her life she suffered from depression;in June 1926 she committed suicide. Despite the great popularity (at the turn of century) over time she was forgotten.
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