Eugen Suchon (1908-1993) - the Founder Personality of Slovak National Music


  • Karol Medňanský Uniwersytet Preszowski



Eugen Suchon (1908 to 1993) belongs to the generation of Slovak musical modernism and to the founders of Slovak national music. He studies at the Academy of Music and Arts in Bratislava and in the years 1931 to 33 he studied the composition at Master’s class of Prague Conservatoire under vítezslav Novak. By the detailed study of Slovak folklore he reached particular composer’s style, which is represented by his own modal feeling. Suchon is considered one of the most significant representative of modal thinking in European music of 20th century, and his compositions were influenced by dodecaphony. He created the first Slovak national opera Whrilpool, which is abroad presented Katrena, according to the main character. the core of his creation is piano and symphonic music, and the significant phenomenon is the fact that almost all his piano works were orchestrated by him later. He is the author of 6-part cycle of piano compositions for children and youth Pictures from Slovakia that was orchestrated for various orchestras, from violin trios to symphonic orchestra. Eugen Suchon in a significant way contributed to the development of Slovak and European music.


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Hrčkova Naďa, Tradícia, modernosť a slovenská hudobná kultúra 1918-1948 (Tradition, modernity and Slovak musical culture 1928-1948), Litera, Bratislava 1996.

Hrušovsky Ivan, Slovenská hudba v profiloch a rozboroch ‘Slovak Music in Profiles and Analyses’, štátne hudobné vydavateľstvo, Bratislava 1964.

Füssyova Gabriela, A z tváre myseľ žiari (And from the face the spirit shines), Hudobné centrum, Kežmarok 2005.

Medňanský Karol, Druhá viedenská škola a jej vplyv na vývoj slovenskej hudby (The second Viennese schol and its impact on the development of Slovak music). 2. doplnené a upravené vydanie, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum Bratislava alokované pracovisko, Prešov 2008.

Palovčik Michal, Frico Kafenda, [In:] Marián Jurik, Peter zagar (Ed.), 100 slovenských skladateľov (A Hundred of Slovak Composers), Národné hudobné centrum, Bratislava 1998.

Suchoň Eugen, Akordika, OPUS, Bratislava 1979.

Suchoň Eugen, Denník z notovej osnovy (The Diary of the Stave), Perfekt, Bratislava 2012.

Vajda Igor, Eugen Suchoň, [In:] Marián Jurik, Peter zagar (Ed.), 100 slovenských skladateľov (A Hundred of Slovak Composers), Národné hudobné centrum, Bratislava 1998.

Vajda Igor, Tibor Frešo, [In:] Marián Jurik, Peter zagar (Ed.), 100 slovenských skladateľov (A Hundred of Slovak Composers), Národné hudobné centrum, Bratislava 1998.



Jak cytować

Eugen Suchon (1908-1993) - the Founder Personality of Slovak National Music. (2017). Muzyka. Historia. Teoria. Edukacja, 7, 41-62.