Furor heroicus in Prehistory and Antiquity


  • Jacek Woźny Kazimierz Wielki University




furor heroicus, warriors, prehistory, antiquity


The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of furor heroicus, which used to mean rage, fury, frenzy,vehemence, and ferocity attributed to brave and valiant mythical heroes. Contrary to modern culture, rational tactics and combat strategy were supplemented in prehistory and antiquity with ideological premises, because the characteristic feature of cultures of the magical and religious type was the influence of magic and religion on the practical and utilitarian sphere. Certain practical and communicative values were subordinated to appropriate sacred values, practically elusive and transferred to the supernatural sphere. After adopting this methodological assumption, the article presents the manifestations of the sacred zeal of warriors endowed with magical powers in the Stone Age, the heroic heat of battle in the Bronze Age, and the battle craze in the Iron Age.




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Studia i artykuły

How to Cite

Furor heroicus in Prehistory and Antiquity. (2023). Tabularium Historiae, 11, 27-44. https://doi.org/10.34767/TH.2022.11.02