Ludzie kręgu władzy pod panowaniem Domicjana w satyrycznym spojrzeniu Juwenalisa


  • Sebastian Ruciński Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy



The article is based on Satire IV by Juvenal. The poem comprises an irreverent description of the sitting of the imperial council (consilium principis) during the reign of Domitian. Thanks to this source, the ring of power of the closest consultants of the emperor can be reconstructed and we are able to point out by which features were these men distinguished. Domitian’s consilium consisted of people of various descent and different abilities, yet out of ten mentioned persons, eight are consulars (Pegasus, Q. Vibius Crispus, M’. Acilius Aviola, M’. Acilius Glabrio, Montanus, Pompeius, A. Didius Gallus Fabricius Veiento,
L. Valerius Catullus Messalinus). Two of them were honoured with holding the consular office for the third time (Q. Vibius Crispus, A. Didius Gallus Fabricius Veiento), which was a rare privilege reserved for the closest advisers. The list includes jurists (Pegasus), orators (Q. Vibius Crispus), skilful administrators and military men (Rubrius Gallus, Cornelius Fuscus). At the same time, only twopersons appear in this circle ex officio – the praetorian prefect (Cornelius Fuscus, but rather not Crispinus), and the urban prefect (Pegasus). Cassius Dio believed that Domitian inherited his advisers form his father and brother. This thesis is confirmed by Juvenal. It definitely concerns Pegasus, who continued performing the urban prefecture, as well as Acilius Aviola, who served as the curator of the aqueducts during all Flavians’ days.







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Ludzie kręgu władzy pod panowaniem Domicjana w satyrycznym spojrzeniu Juwenalisa. (2017). Tabularium Historiae, 1, 88-106.