Waterways in Russia: history, present state and ecologic problems


  • Роман Чалов


rivers and channels of Russia, history of inland waterways of Russia, fluvial processes, dredging, navigation


The article presents the history of waterways development in Russia as well as their current condition. In the 19th century Peter I  begun intensive regulatory works, which eventually rendered major Russian rivers passable. The heyday of water transport lasted until the second half of the 19th century and since then it was gradually being replaced by railroad transport. At present, only five main waterways within the Volga river basin remain open for transport. However, in the 20th century waterways of other river systems were being developed at the time, while cascades were built on the Volga and Kama rivers. Intensive dredging was carried out on the Daugava, Vychegda, Lena, Ob and Pechora, mainly in the years 1960-1980. As a result of these works, the river channels became stable and suitable for navigation. Limiting and, at times, ceasing dredging in the 90s of the 20th caused gradual shallowing of the river bed, rendering the rivers unnavigable. Water transport was maintained only on the Lena and Yenisei, while tourism transport was limited to the Volga and Kama. Further development of waterways is constrained by the ecology movement. It was clearly indicated that cessation of  river dredging and the recovery of  fluvial processes to the condition preceding channels regulation constitute the reasons for hindering water transport.




How to Cite

Waterways in Russia: history, present state and ecologic problems. (2013). Geography and Tourism, 1(1), 31-35. https://czasopisma.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/gat/article/view/10