Niemiecka skrajna prawica wobec systemu politycznego Republiki Federalnej Niemiec - przypadek Narodowodemokratycznej Partii Niemiec


  • Adam Hołub



At the end of the 20th century in Europe, rightist extreme parties started to go through their renaissance. Among western democracies, the existence of such parties became a real problem as in some countries they were of relevant character (Austria, Italy). In other countries the parties became political actors who, considering their mattering electorate, could not be isolated only (France, Denmark). The extreme rightist parties in Germany include: the Republican Party (Die Republikaner - REP), the German People's Union (Deutsche Volksunion - DVU), and the German National Democratic Party (Nationaldemokratische Partei - NPD). The first two ones (REP and DVU) belong the extreme rightist parties of new type, whereas the NPD - to the parties of old type. The main ideological elements of the NPD’s appeal are: radical nationalism combined with elements of racism, treating a State as a political organization of national community and not a society, a very strong position of the executive postulating introducing presidentialism, the preference of direct democracy, antiglobalism (threatening both culture and a national community), national property of land and main branches of economy, anti-Americanism together with anti-Semitism, the declared dislike of foreigners, and finally nostalgia for the political regime of the Nazi Third Reich.The negation of "liberal-capitalistic” system and the postulate of creating a system basing on the idea of German socialism saying about “national, political forms of law and order” are typical of the NPD, which induces to think over an anti-system character of this party.






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Niemiecka skrajna prawica wobec systemu politycznego Republiki Federalnej Niemiec - przypadek Narodowodemokratycznej Partii Niemiec. (2004). Świat Idei I Polityki, 4, 131-146.