Modeling of multiaxial state of stress and determine the fatigue lifetime for aluminum alloy during cyclic loading under in-and-out of phase shift φ = 0° and φ = 90°


  • Milan Uhríčik University of Žilina
  • Peter Kopas University of Žilina
  • Milan Sága University of Žilina


Słowa kluczowe:

sinusoidal cyclic loading, multiaxial fatigue, stress, structural material


This article deals with determining of fatigue lifetime of structural materials during by multiaxial cyclic loading. The theoretical part deals with the fatigue and with the criterions for evaluation of multiaxial fatigue lifetime. The experimental part deals with modeling of combined bending - torsion loading and determining the number of cycles to fracture in region low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue and also during of loading with the sinusoidal wave form under in phase φ = 0° and out phase φ = 90°.


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Jak cytować

Modeling of multiaxial state of stress and determine the fatigue lifetime for aluminum alloy during cyclic loading under in-and-out of phase shift φ = 0° and φ = 90°. (2011). Studia I Materiały Informatyki Stosowanej, 3(5), 9-14.