Projecting and constructing of a robot arm mechanisms controlled by a computer module - project AndroArm002


  • Zbigniew Szczepański Kazimierz Wielki University



Design, Robotics, androarm, CAD, SolidWorks, Control, Manipulator


In this article the robot arm construction was presented, this is an alternative idea for expensive robots known
from their commercial uses. Usually this type of standard robots are used to a closely definite aim, e.g. painting, welding, sewing, assembly, etc Standard robots aimed to do some special operations have to be reconstructed by a special way. In real, the most advantageous solution
for a special function is chosen. When the functions becomes less useful, the robot is useless too. Author assumes that wide application of robot arms with construction, similar to (mentioned in the article) construction androarm002 ( fig. below) is able to help avoid similar problems. In near future constructions similar to project - AndroArm002 can be important section of robotics.


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