This article presents peregrinations deep into the epochs, to places where the ideas of animal rights, present in the consciousness of contemporary Europeans, were shaped. Despite the fact that the perception of creatures other than humans is a clear prob
animals, animal rights, welfare, bioethics, vivisection, eco-philosophyAbstract
This article presents peregrinations deep into the epochs, to places where the ideas of animal rights, present in the consciousness of contemporary Europeans, were shaped. Despite the fact that the perception of creatures other
than humans is a clear problem of modern society in Europe, the centuries-long anthropocentrism makes it difficult for the adoption of the subjectivity of animals
on the political, legal and even moral level. The article is an analysis of the shaping of social and political reality in the context of perceiving animals, which is a reflection of attitudes and ideas characteristic of the period in history. The purpose of the following reflection is to indicate the reasons that make it difficult and often impossible, to introduce changes in animal protection policy both in Europe and Poland. Due to the fact that the article is of an essay-theoretical character, the research hypothesis was abandoned, and the work was limited to the formulation of the purpose of the argument.
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