National Geographic and the global mission to protect the planet
National Geographic, media, global mission, planet, environmentAbstract
This article focuses on the National Geographic magazine as part of the National Geographic Society’s global mission. In the face of environmental degradation and global warming, this mission – related to the protection of the planet – is of particular importance, and the numerous international editions of the magazine (including the Polish edition) are to contribute to increasing awareness and mobilizing societies in various parts of the world. The research question is: What topics related to the protection of the planet are most often takenup in the Polish edition of the National Geographic? The media content analysis was used, which showed that environmental problems are the most importantelement of the NGS mission related to the protection of the planet, and the most frequently undertaken topics concern specific places (less frequently specific species of animals), fascinating (and problematic) from the natural point of view, as well as environmental problems from a global perspective. In special editions, the magazine presents the condition of the Earth, and problems related to the natural environment (including climate change) are presented in an alarmist tone, suggesting, however, possible actions to protect the planet.
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