Ensuring Poland’s food security in light of the war in Ukraine
food security, Poland, war in Ukraine, agriculture, cerealAbstract
To ensure the food security of a state, four conditions must be met: physical availability of food; sustainability and reliability of food supply; economic availability of food for all social groups; and health suitability of food products and food rations. Poland and Ukraine are major food exporters in Europe and the world. The war in Ukraine caused a significant increase in fuel and fertilizer prices, as well as difficulties in exporting from Ukraine, which resulted in a significant increase in food prices in the world. Difficulties in exporting Ukrainian food products to traditional partners, mainly via the Black Sea, and the EU’s suspension of customs duties on goods from Ukraine led to an increase in imports of Ukrainian food products to Poland. The above factors negatively affect the profitability of food production in Poland and the financial stability of Polish farmers. As Ukraine’s integration with the EU progresses, Ukraine’s food exports to Europe will increase, which will affect Polish food producers. This requires Poland to take appropriate measures both at the national and EU level.
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