Different faces of populism in Venezuela. Comparison of governing styles and media image of Hugo Chávez and Nícolas Maduro


  • Karolina I. Kaleta Jagiellonian University, Kraków




populism, Latin America, Venezuela, media, Hugo Chávez, Nícolas Maduro


The aim of this article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the discourses and rhetoric in the public speeches of two consecutive Venezuelan presidents – Hugo Chávez and Nícolas Maduro. Although both politicians have been identified in the literature as representatives of Latin American populism, their media activities, campaign styles, and governing methods differ significantly, as do their perceptions by the public and the international community. This analysis also takes into account the evolution of both presidents’ images during their respective terms in office, against the backdrop of the ongoing political-economic crisis. The presence of Chávez and Maduro in the media – both traditional, such as radio and television, and new (especially on social media platforms) – as well as their narrative-building techniques are of particular importance in this context. The reflection also includes the manipulations used by both politicians and the symbolic sphere to which they referred in their speeches. Such a comparison allows us to recognize that Latin American populism, which belongs to the so-called “third wave,” is a uniquely complex and internally diverse phenomenon, even within one country and successive presidential terms.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

Different faces of populism in Venezuela. Comparison of governing styles and media image of Hugo Chávez and Nícolas Maduro. (2024). World of Ideas and Politics, 22(2), 128-139. https://doi.org/10.34767/SIIP.2023.02.08