The Contemporary Reception of the Class Struggle – to What Extension the Marxism Impacted on XXth-century’s Conceptions and is it Valid until Today?


  • Mateusz Pazdej Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań



Marks, the class struggle, confl ict, neo-marxism.


The aim of this paper is to compare the Karl Marx’s theory of classes fi ghting to infl uenced by it a neo-marxist conception of Ralf Dahrendorf concerning confl icts and arguing with a theory of social system elaborated by Talcott Parsons. Such an arrangement mostly enables answering the question in what extension the conceptions of a XIXth – century philosopher and an economist remain up-to date in the following century. In the second part of deductions the evolution of that term will be presented in a form of showing as examples the followers of the mentioned thinkers, because contemporarily the term of classes fi ghting is used not only by Marxists, but also by the members of feministic movements such as Pierre Bourdieu and representatives of organizations which fi ght for a protection of the environment, among others Murray Bookchin. Such diff erent points of view will be shown and compared in this paper, which will lead to answering the question in what extension the thoughts of Karl Marx infl uence XXth-century philosophy and if they are still up-to-date.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

The Contemporary Reception of the Class Struggle – to What Extension the Marxism Impacted on XXth-century’s Conceptions and is it Valid until Today?. (2022). World of Ideas and Politics, 14, 37-59.