What kind of freedom? The dilemma of democracy


  • Stanisław Lamczyk




democracy, freedom, human rights, political system.


Since the ancient times there has been a continuing discourse on the nature and scope of freedom and civic and human right in the more or less liberal democracy. This paper contains a critical analysis and assessment of the most important opinions concerning the both political and economic freedom and the interpretations of that concept
in the political practice. This article argues that, contrary to the beliefs of most people, freedom and human rights do not come from nature, but they are the result of the society, s consensus, especially that part of the society, which participates in the elections. The voters agree to allow
the winning political party to realize its program also in the respect to freedom and civic (human) rights. On the other hand the politicians try to secure the appropriate equilibrium between the political and economic freedom, which supports the stabilization of a given political system and is conducive to the economic growth.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

What kind of freedom? The dilemma of democracy. (2022). World of Ideas and Politics, 14, 94-109. https://doi.org/10.34767/SIIP.2015.14.06