Efficiency and quality of democracy in comparative politics: definitive and conceptual options of analysis


  • Vitaliy Lytvyn Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki (Ukraina)




democracy, political regime, eff iciency of democracy, quality of democracy.


The article is dedicated to analyzing the historiography and conceptualization of the phenomenon of eff iciency and quality of democ-racy. The author of the research outlined the defi nitive and conceptual parameters of comparative analysis of eff iciency and quality of democ-racy, argued that diff erent political regimes are more or less democratic. The article highlights various approaches, theoretical and empirical features of studying eff iciency and quality of democracy, represents the most systemic/holistic indicators and methods of operationalization of democracy quality and eff iciency. On this basis, the author actualized a unifi ed approach to the analysis and conceptualization of quality and eff iciency of democracy and argued that quality and eff iciency of democ-racy is expedient to be mentioned not in a holistic continuum of political regimes, but when a certain state is actually democratic. As a result, the research confi rmed that democracy is a multi-piece category and is able to expand its eff iciency and quality.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

Efficiency and quality of democracy in comparative politics: definitive and conceptual options of analysis. (2022). World of Ideas and Politics, 14, 110-132. https://doi.org/10.34767/SIIP.2015.14.07