Illusory NATO–Russia partnership during the crisis and building superpower status of the Russian Federation


  • Łukasz Jureńczyk Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy



NATO, Russia, partnership, power status


The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between NATO and the Russian Federation. Deliberations are conducted within the institutional and historical-problematic approach. The author char-acterizes the institutional framework for cooperation between NATO and Russia, as well as discusses the factors which are barriers to this cooperation. Therefore focuses on the most important issues of common interest of partners, such as the problem of stabilizing the security environment, the fi ght against international terrorism, the use of the armed forces in foreign policy, the process of NATO enlargement and the maintaining of strategic balance between parties. The Author is skeptical about the possibility of establishing a lasting partnership between NATO and Russia. He indicates the diff erence between the period of the 90s of the twentieth century, when was evident weakness and submission of Russia to NATO and the beginning of the twenty-fi rst century, when is an attempt of rebuilding Russia’s superpower in a manner unacceptable by NATO.



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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

Illusory NATO–Russia partnership during the crisis and building superpower status of the Russian Federation. (2022). World of Ideas and Politics, 14, 187-207.