Polish Armed Forces Lessons Learned from participation in NATOmissions and operations
Polish Armed Forces (PAF), NATO Mission and Operations, Lessons Learned from PAF, Poland in NATO, Polish Military Engage-ment.Abstract
Participation in operations abroad is an important instru-ment of the State’s security policy as well as foreign policy, which can impact on the international security. In addition to the implementation of the political, national and strategic objectives, engagement of Polish Armed Forces (PAF) in operations also results in gathering new expe-riences, enabling the improvement of existing and acquisition of new operational capabilities. This is particularly true of emergency response capabilities and conducting combat operations with unequal military strengths, which include factors such as: training, quality of human resources, weapons and military equipment. In light of the potential challenges associated with the continued growth of operational capabili-ties in terms of changes in the security environment, an analysis of the conclusions and experiences has been conducted. They will probably have the greatest impact on the development of the PAF as well as the whole NATO.
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