Political aspirations of the Kazakhstani youth


  • Gulmira Abdiraiymova Kazachski Narodowy Uniwersytet im. Al-Farabi
  • Meruert Shnarbekova Kazachski Narodowy Uniwersytet im. Al-Farabi




политические устремления, молодежь, политическая культура, политическая активность


In the article data presented from the sociological research conducted in 2015 indicate that the participation of youth in politics and the interest is very low. Monitoring of political orientations in the projection  on  regional  identity  showed  some  significant  differences:  the youth of the “Northern”, “Western” and “Eastern” regions is with a tendency to the “troubled” perception of the political situation, while respondents of “Southern” and “Central” regions with the “neutral” assessment of and with a high degree of political tolerance and displaying the ability to political discourse. The political profile of young Kazakhs is characterized by a greater degree of uncertainty. Also, the boundaries of political preferences are blurred: the main factors of the formation of the ideological and political positions are to the greater extent cultural (preferences and stereotypes) rather than social factors.


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Studies and analysis