Partnership NATO–Sweden


  • Bartosz Szczepaniak Kazimierz Wielki University



NATO, Sweden, partnership, neutrality, military, security strategic.


Article characterizes relations between most powerful military pact – Northern Atlantic Pact and neutral state – Sweden. In this
article is analyzing cooperation on military ground, non-military ground and it is also analyzing aspects of cooperation involving neutral status of Sweden, Crimea annexation and growing danger from Russia. Studies connected to main theme of article were based on official documents od NATO, press notes or official releases. Main reason of article is to answer on question if neutral state can cooperate with NATO and can we say that between NATO and Sweden exists partnership relation. Except of above issues, in this article I will try to define neutrality, neutral policy and partnership. After made analysis of available documents, emphatically we can agree that partnership between NATO and Sweden exists.


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Studies and analysis