EU – Ukraine: Around Kiev’s European Aspirations. Selected Aspects from a German Perspective


  • Michał M. Kosman Kazimierz Wielki University



Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, annexation of Crimea, Donbass, European Union, Germany


The goals of the article are to discuss Ukraine’s aspirationsmfor rapprochement with the European Union, especially after the „Orange Revolution” in 2004, and in the context of the conflict with Russia over Crimea and eastern Ukraine that began in 2014. In addition, to outline of Germany’s position toward the conflict and Ukraine’s relations with the EU. The author attempts to resolve the problem of Ukraine’s chances of joining the Union in a predictable perspective. First of all, scientific and press publications, as well as European Union documents were used.


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Ukraine-Analysen, Nr. 148, 24.03.2015.






Studies and analysis

How to Cite

EU – Ukraine: Around Kiev’s European Aspirations. Selected Aspects from a German Perspective. (2019). World of Ideas and Politics, 18, 47-62.