Contemporary Applications of Prohibition of Discrimination in Turkish Constitutional Court Decisions


  • Sabriye Beste Kabaçam Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University



human rights, prohibition of discrimination, principle of equality, Turkish Constitutional Court, Article 10 of 1982 Turkish Constitution, ECHR Article 14


It is clear that the prohibition of discrimination and the principle of equality are one of the most important principles of human rights. Today, since the number of discrimination issues has increased in the usual flow of life, the matter of how far the valid law can protect individual, who constitutes the core of the society from discrimination is controversial. In Turkish Constitution, there is no independent article which orders the prohibition of discrimination. Cases which relate to the discrimination are considered with the principle of equality in Article 10. The scope of the present paper is to show how the prohibition of discrimination is embodied in Turkish Constitutional Court’s approach and its historical background. Secondarily, the Turkish Constitutional Court’s
approach regarding these issues are emphasized and to what extent the decisions given by the Turkish Constitutional Court are similar to the decisions given by ECHR are argued. Comparative and historical method will be used in this paper.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

Contemporary Applications of Prohibition of Discrimination in Turkish Constitutional Court Decisions. (2019). World of Ideas and Politics, 18, 358-375.