Perception of Democracy in the Turkish Political Culture


  • Sabriye Beste Kabaçam Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University



political culture, democracy, mass, democratic institutions, democratization


The subject of this article is political culture and its relationship with democracy. The article is focused mainly on Turkish political culture and democratic practices. It is clear that the political system is directly connected with the political culture of society. But how could we distinguish political culture from other things or do we even have to? The purpose of this article is to present and evaluate the main role of political culture, which affects levels of tolerance, interpersonal trust, etc., as well as the adaption of democratic institutions to the current system. The main problems of Turkish political life are discussed in the article with the perspective of the relationship between political culture and democracy. The aim of this article is to present concepts of cultural orientations, the reflection of economic and political factors, social structures, as well as complex and unclear relations between them, which are simultaneously linked to a stable democracy. Therefore, it can be observed that stable democracy is not a coincidence but a result of all mentioned factors.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

Perception of Democracy in the Turkish Political Culture. (2020). World of Ideas and Politics, 19, 230-242.