Polityczne bariery rozwoju obszarów metropolitalnych


  • Robert Gawłowski




The author tries to answer the question what are the political barriers to the development of metropolitan areas? He concludes that it is incredibly complicated and it causes many conflicts at many levels of authority. Therefore he examines several types of conflicts: conflict central city versus surrounding municipalities, the region vs. metropolis, the region vs. the central authorities, the central authorities vs. Metropolis. The subject of conflict is the division of powers between different tiers of local government. The entity most active in the debate on the shape of jurisdiction is the regional level, which is potentially the biggest loser, because losing a significant portion of its proceeds. Furthermore, in the case of a metropolitan institution manages the development of regional less wealthy individuals. The particular type of conflict we are dealing at the level of the metropolis and the central government. It is extremely destructive and can lead to ones-zero game, which has the privileged position of the government, which could solve the structure of the Metropolitan (for example of London). In view of the fact that political institutions determine the policy framework, the process of introduction of new metropolitan institutions must be carefully planned. Introduction solutions require consultation and a precise division of powers.






Studia i analizy

Jak cytować

Polityczne bariery rozwoju obszarów metropolitalnych. (2010). Świat Idei I Polityki, 10, 53-69. https://doi.org/10.34767/SIIP.2010.01.03