Tysiąclecie kontra milenium. Obchody tysiąclecia państwa polskiego w Bydgoszczy i województwie bydgoskim w 1966 roku (cz. II)


  • Maciej Królak




The second part of the present paper begins with the description of Poland's Liberation Day - 22nd July. Both the 1st of May and the 22nd of July were celebrated nationwide according to precise guidelines made by the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party. One should not forget that a serious of events also took place in particular regions of the country, including Bydgoszcz and its surroundings. Therefore, the next chapters describe anniversaries and jubilees characteristic of our Province. They were, among others, the celebrations of ten centuries of Włocławek and a hundredth anniversary of Julian Marchlewski's birth, as well as the quincentenary of the 2nd Toruń Peace Treaty. In this way, the decision-makers of that region wanted Julian Marchlewski - a great revolutionist - to become widely known. The example of Toruń shows clearly what methods the communist authorities used: the celebrations of the 2nd Toruń Peace Treaty were appointed at the time when the Church celebrated a Millennium of Poland.s Baptism. The final chapters of the paper concern the Millennium of Baptism in Bydgoszcz Province and how the Church prepared to this celebration. It can be clearly seen that the city's authorities made the realization of the plans difficult for the Church party. A refusal to crown the painting of Heavenly Mother with a Rose in the Old Town Square in Bydgoszcz seems to be an explicit example. Another problem concerns "Te Deum" of the parishes. According to the Episcopate.s plans, each parish in Poland was to celebrate the jubilee as a thanksgiving for Poland.s Baptism Millennium. The celebrations were called "Te Deum" and usually took place on the day of the annual church fair or the church consecration. The paper gives a wide description of the two Bydgoszcz parishes: Mother of Incessant Help and the Parish Church. The study ends in describing central celebrations of Poland.s Baptism Millennium in 1966 which were held in Toruń and Włocławek. Yet again the ceremony proved the organization success of the Church party and, most of all, showed the Church.s strong position in the then communist Poland.






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