Transmission system for monitoring equipment and fire brigade units
CDMA, data transmission, 802.11Abstract
Efficient and reliable communications system is a prerequisite for the correct operation of each monitoring system. Special systems like used by fire brigade must work well in all conditions. Therefore some special sensors and communications system must be designed. These sensors have to provide information about equipment condition. Information from sensors have to be passed in quick and
reliable way. This article presents the possibility of building a communications system for monitoring equipment and fire brigades. Communication equipments and protocols are described. The article presents the results of tests of selected means of communication and the possibility of the use of appropriate protocols.
Sprawozdanie z warsztatów łączności i informatyki ASTER'08, TELDAT - opracowanie własne.
Sprawozdanie częściowe z zadania badawczego 15011210 projektu "Monitoring" - Identyfikacja i rozpoznanie możliwych do wykorzystania środków transmisyjnych.
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