Analysis of the car acceptability assessment dataset using rough set theory and the RSES program


  • Mateusz Gorączka Kazimierz Wielki University



rough set theory, dataset, data analysis data classification, RSES


The article focuses on data analysis using rough set theory and various methods such as the genetic algorithm, rule set classification and the cross-validation method. The complete data analysis process using RSES is also presented. The dataset used and the results of the analysis are discussed in the context of rough set theory. The article concludes with a summary and conclusions focusing on the aspect of the effectiveness of aforementioned methods in analysing the dataset and the efficiency of the program in terms of performing analysis in it.


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RSES 2.2. Rough Set Exploration System. Podręcznik Użytkownika. Publikacja elektroniczna, [Data dostępu: 19.01.2024]




How to Cite

Analysis of the car acceptability assessment dataset using rough set theory and the RSES program. (2024). Studia I Materiały Informatyki Stosowanej, 16(1), 24-32.