The use of AI technology in the search for medieval defensive fortifications in the city of Elbląg
Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Photogrammetry, Area mapping, Photogrammetric flights, ClassifiersAbstract
AI technology in terrain mapping automates processes that previously required human work and enables the creation of more accurate and advanced maps, 3D models in a shorter time. Drones enable the recording of large data sets: photos, videos, telemetry data, which are then analyzed by AI algorithms during the creation of 3D models, segmentation and classification of objects and detection of anomalies. AI algorithms automatically combine photos, correlate characteristic points and remove image distortions. They automatically recognize and classify objects such as buildings, roads, railway lines, rivers, overhead power lines. The mapping process becomes more accurate, and 3D maps and models become more accurate and tailored to the needs of the recipient. AI algorithms segment images recorded by drone on-board cameras into different classes, enabling the generation of environmental hazard maps, agricultural maps and urban area maps. AI technology analyzes data from different periods and automatically detects changes in isolated areas.
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