Connection between ecological awareness and environmental policy pursued in the European Union Member States on the example of Poland and Sweden


  • Anna Stawowska Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń



Poland, Sweden, European Union, environmental policy, ecology, education


The purpose of the article is to present the connection between ecological education offered in the country and the environmental policy which is pursued there. The research also included the actual condition of the environment. The analysis covered statistical data published by the Polish Central Statistical Office, European Union’s institutions and others, as well as reports, scientific and
journalistic articles. Two of the EU member states, Poland and Sweden, made an example in the thesis. Among other things, their waste recycling level and the energy policy in these countries, including the share of renewable energy in their electricity generation, were compared. The national regulations have been compared with the standards set by the European Union. The article contains references to the most important events related to the global condition of the natural environment in the last few years, including the Paris Agreement of 2015 and other climate summits. The investigation and observations clearly show the relationship between the effectiveness and the manner of conducting activities in the political sphere and the level of ecological awareness and education of the society.


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Studies and analysis