About Rapallo. Reflections on German-Russian relations 1918–1922


  • Michał M. Kosman Kazimierz Wielki University




Germany, Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks, the Treaty of Versailles, the Treaty of Rapallo, the interwar period


The subject of this article is the relationship between Germany and Soviet Russia – two countries that felt excluded from the postwar international order established by the Treaty of Versailles. In defeated Germany, after the suppression of attempts at revolution, there was a clash of different visions of foreign policy, including policy toward Russia. The victory of the Bolsheviks in the civil war and the strengthening of their power in Russia meant that pragmatism and the desire for closer political cooperation, which would also allow the implementation of Germany’s economic interests, prevailed in German policy towards that state. The inclination of both countries to strengthen cooperation was also reflected in the decision on Germany’s neutrality during the Polish-Soviet War in 1920, which in practice favored Russia. The Treaty of Rapallo of April 1922 became a symbolic confirmation and at the same time the beginning of the intensification of Soviet-German cooperation. The article uses the method of document and literature research based on studies in Polish, German, Russian, and English.


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Studies and analysis