The significance of the European Green Deal for implementing the concept of smart villages in the European Union


  • Barbara Panciszko-Szweda Kazimierz Wielki University



smart villages, intelligent villages, European Green Deal, European Union, rural development, climate neutrality, rural development policy


The aim of this article is to demonstrate the relationship between the objectives of the European Union’s (EU) development strategy for 2050, the European Green Deal (EGD), and the concept of smart villages. The research hypothesis assumed that the implementation of the European Green Deal’s objectives would contribute to the development of smart villages in the EU. Six components of smart villages were identified: smart economy, smart society, smart environment, smart accessibility, smart governance, and smart agriculture, which were briefly characterized. The article addressed the following research questions: (i) what are the main objectives of the EGD? (ii) How are smart villages defined? (iii) In which areas does the European Green Deal realize the objectives of the concept of the smart village? (iv) Which areas of smart villages are most prominently emphasized in the EU’s development strategy for 2050? Qualitative research methods were used, and an analysis of the EGD provisions was conducted using a self-prepared questionnaire to assess the implementation of smart villages’ objectives. It was demonstrated that the relationships are significant, with different degrees of importance attributed to individual areas. Most interventions were planned in the smart environment and smart economy areas, while intelligent accessibility received the least attention.This study represents the initial part of research into the discussed research problem, which requires further analysis of detailed strategies and legal acts related to the provisions of the European Green Deal.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

The significance of the European Green Deal for implementing the concept of smart villages in the European Union. (2024). World of Ideas and Politics, 22(2), 99-110.