Carl Schmitt’s Grossraum and the imperial concept of the national socialists in Germany
Carl Schmitt, Third Reich, Grossraum, Nazism, LebensraumAbstract
The theory of Carl Schmitt’s Grossraum emerged during the rule of the NS DAP in Germany. For this reason, it is often classified as a theory justifying German Nazi imperial policy, and its author earned the epithet “the Crown Jurist of the Third Reich.” This article aims to discuss the Grossraum theory by analyzing Carl Schmitt’s work. Achieving this goal, will help to answer the main question of this thesis, which reads as follows: to what extent does Schmitt’s Grossraum theory differ from the Nazi imperial concept? Comparing Carl Schmitt’s work with Adolf Hitler’s vision outlined in Mein Kampf as well as the international and occupational policies of the Third Reich, and referring to the opinions of the Nazis on the theory of the Greater Space, a clear contradiction between the Grossraum theory and Nazi Lebensraum is notice able. The hypothesis in this thesis is as follows: Carl Schmitt’s Grossraum is parallel to Nazi Lebensraum. During the study, it was pointed out that the similarity between the concepts lies in their goal of establishing German dominance, as their authors were undoubtedly German nationalists. However, the differences lie in essential char acteristics regarding the organization of space and the coexistence of nations within it, the Jewish question, and the foundations upon which this space was established. In the case of Grossraum, it was anti-liberal political ideas, while in the case of Lebensraum, it was the Nazi myth of blood.
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