The role of Indigenous peoples in protecting forests: a case study of the Brazilian Amazon




oral history, semi-structured interview, ethics, social sciences, interdisciplinary research


Semi-structured interviews are widely used in the social sciences and, though less common, have also found a place in the humanities, particularly in oral history methodology. At the intersection of disciplines, this technique serves not only to uncover new historical facts and deepen existing knowledge but also to offer insights into subjective interpretations. This approach is particularly valuable in studies involving communities and collectivities whose perceptions of facts or “truth” may differ from the mainstream narrative – such as populations on opposing sides of active or past conflicts. These differing perspectives can shape political narratives, often making the “objective” truth less relevant to those directly involved. Researchers, in turn, access only a fragment of history, as told through the participants’ knowledge and memories. This text examines contexts in which semi-structured interviews may prove useful for research, drawing from current and representative literature, as well as the author’s own journalistic and professional experience. It also addresses important ethical considerations in interview-based research, such as the security of interviewee data, researcher biases, the risk of invoking psychological trauma, and the need for informed consent. By citing examples of studies that have successfully employed this method, this article provides a methodological framework that can guide researchers in applying this technique to social science research with a historical focus. Ultimately, the article advocates for the broader use of semi-structured interviews in research, emphasizing that the technique can provide valuable insights and should not be dismissed as unsuitable for the humanities.


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Studies and analysis

How to Cite

The role of Indigenous peoples in protecting forests: a case study of the Brazilian Amazon. (2024). World of Ideas and Politics, 23(2), 106-122.